Chauvin Arnoux UK

Electrical Energy Efficiency for
Industrial and Commercial Operations

If you’re a business owner, it’s very likely that energy costs are a significant proportion of your businesses’ outgoings, so keeping those costs under control – and reducing them if possible – is important for maintaining profitability and achieving future success.

There is no shortage of organisations that are only too pleased to offer their services to help you do this – for a fee, naturally! The usual promise is that they will find you a cheaper energy supplier and there is, of course, nothing wrong with that. The Department of Energy and Climate Change has repeatedly said that almost every business can benefit by shopping around for energy and being prepared to change supplier to get a better deal.

But we urge you take a wider view. Don’t think only about how much you pay per kWh for your energy, think also about how effectively you use the energy on which you’re spending your hard-earned cash. The video below outlines the key principles of energy efficiency and explains how you can identify, locate and resolve efficiency issues in order to make big savings. 
