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With Chauvin Arnoux range of PEL 104 power and energy loggers, SMEs and startups can get end-to-end solutions to audit electricity consumption at warehouses, office buildings and other spaces. Like the sound of it? Learn more about Chauvin Arnoux … • 6th June 2023 • blog energy loggers Monitor Lighting Usage Proactively with C.A 1110 Given the energy crisis in the UK, it’s time to stay on top of energy consumption & bills! Modern light meters such as C.A 1110 help deliver & monitor adequate lighting whilst ensuring you see significant savings in electricity bills. Learn more about Chauvin Arnoux test and measurement equipment via our YouTube videos. • 5th June 2023 • blog energy efficiency, energy loggers, testing Optimise Energy Efficiency with Chauvin Arnoux PEL51 and PEL104 Kits Did you know? Today, more than 39% of carbon emissions occur from operational and other building emissions globally – leaving little to no breathing space for our environment. By analysing the structure of the building, insulation etc., users can control passive energy efficiency. And by using high-performance instruments such as smart measurement equipment like … • 31st May 2023 • blog energy loggers Redefine Electrical Efficiency With The Right Power Quality Analyser Processes in any given workplace are controlled electronically today. Due to this, the electrical network is becoming increasingly polluted. Hence, the resources to see them through have become much more demanding. With the right power quality analyser such as C.A 8345 Class A, test and monitoring of electrical equipment gets easier, faster and better.    … • 31st May 2023 • blog energy loggers, test Taking the first steps towards green buildings In his summer statement, Chancellor Rishi Sunak announced a billion-pound programme to help improve energy efficiency in schools, hospitals and other public buildings. Called ‘The Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme’, the programme, which is part of UK’s efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the public sector by 50%, is expected to see substantial investments in … • 8th September 2020 • blog energy efficiency, energy loggers, news, PEL, testing We have a new product assistance app! At Chauvin Arnoux, we are simply passionate about test and measurement. And we like to do things differently by always putting our users’ needs at the core of our product developments. With this in mind, we’ve released an app that helps our customers to get the very best from their portable energy loggers (PELs) … • 3rd July 2020 • blog energy loggers, news, PEL, testing Monitor three circuits for the price of one! If you’ve got a PEL103 portable energy logger, you already know how useful and convenient it is for monitoring individual single- and three-phase circuits. But sometimes you want to monitor more than one circuit. If you’re a landlord, for example, you might want to monitor the circuits supplying two or three different tenants, and if … • 15th June 2020 • blog energy loggers, PEL, test, testing What’s happening at CA regarding coronavirus The situation regarding the Coronavirus is worsening daily and Chauvin Arnoux UK is committed to following the guidance and advice provided by the UK Government while also continuing to provide the best service that we can to our business partners and customers. While we are currently unable to travel, all Chauvin Arnoux UK staff … • 19th March 2020 • blog Add Wi-Fi to your PEL Connecting your PEL103 portable energy logger to a network is often a really useful thing to do, because it gives you access to all of the data collected by the PEL remotely, from any location where you have network access. And, if you have a network access point conveniently close to your PEL, all you need … • 9th March 2020 • blog Why monitor the voltage? Do you want to make your life easier when you’re carrying out energy surveys on your electrical systems? If so, here’s a suggestion you might not be expecting – don’t bother to monitor the voltage! That may seem an odd idea, but think about it for a moment. When you carry out energy surveys, … • 30th January 2020 • blog energy efficiency, energy loggers, test, testinghttps://cauk.tv/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/S3-C2-v1-LNKD-FB-1-1024x536.jpg